Call for input - API

Call for input: API for financial statements analytics

Financial statements provide valuable insights into a company’s performance. Oftentimes, however, they are only accessible in forms that require laborious manual manipulation, such as in Excel or PDF format.

If you are looking for ways to solve this problem, you might be interested in what we have to offer. For those who are not familiar with our N2N product, it is built for lawyers and in-house disclosure teams and its functions include:

  1. Reading raw financial data, including both the main financial statements and breakdowns in the notes to the financials.
  2. Performing calculations and analyses on the data, including the identification and description of period-over-period numerical and percentage changes.
  3. Flagging issues with input and unusual or unexplained trends for follow ups.
  4. Generating disclosure-suitable narrative discussion tailored for capital markets transactions and periodic reporting.

N2N screenshot2

We are looking to offer these functions separately as an API, with necessary adaptations for other use cases. Here is our core value proposition:

N2N API digitises financial statements (including breakdowns in the Notes), enabling easy and instant reading and analysis of the data. Unlike established aggregators whose coverage is fixed, users can use N2N API to conduct bespoke analysis of any companies to their specifications.

Below are examples of some of the use cases relevant stakeholders have suggested to date:

  • Financial journalism
  • Investment research
  • Forensic accounting
  • Financial industry job interview preparation
  • Academic research
  • Portfolio reporting

If you think this API could benefit you, we would love to hear from you! Please send any suggestions or thoughts to and we would get back to you as soon as possible.